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iCrack – Still Open for Business & Providing Top iPhone Repair

by iCrack Store 01 Feb 2019

At the moment, most things are quite difficult, given the social distancing restrictions that we are all experiencing. That might make you think that getting your iPhone repair done any time soon would be impossible, however, you’d be wrong! That’s because at iCrack, we’re still open during lockdown and we’re still here for iPhone, iPad and iPod repair.

So, if you’re suffering with some malfunctioning tech, you should know that you don’t have to, as we offer a Mail-in service that will have your broken device back up and running in just a few days. What’s more, the repair that we perform comes with a lifetime warranty, providing real peace of mind.

Whatever’s Wrong, We’ll Fix It!

Smartphones, computers and tablets can malfunction for a whole host of reasons – after all, they’re complex bits of kit with many electronic parts. It could be that you need a Samsung Galaxy repair because it has no signal or you require an iPad repair because of a cracked screen – either way, it won’t work in the way you want it to.

The good news is that the iCrack team can fix pretty much any iPhone, table, computer and iPad repair issue, including water damage! What’s more, the prices we charge are very reasonable, so you might be quite surprised about how affordable it is.

Our Super-Simple Mail-in Tech Repair Service

Getting your tech fixed is a piece of cake too, as we’ve made our tech repair iPhone as easy as 1-2-3. All you have to do is find the make and model of your device on our website and the repair you need carrying out and make the appropriate payment. Then just mail it into us and our experts will get on with the job of nursing it back to health.

So, whether you’ve got an iPhone 12 repair need or a Samsung Galaxy S8 repair query, you can trust the iCrack team to get the job done in a way that stands the test of time. We’ve got over 750,000 satisfied customers to date, so you’re in very good hands when you trust us with your tech.

Try Us Out and Get the iCrack Experience

So, if you’d like to know more about us and what makes us the best iPhone and Samsung Galaxy repair company around, you should visit us online at There you’ll see the full range of tech repair services that we offer and the fact that we only ever use quality parts in any work we carry out.

Alternatively, if you have a question that can’t be answered by looking around our website, give our friendly team of experts a call today on 020 7998 9338 and they’ll do their very best to help you in any way they can.

We appreciate you taking the time out to read our blog. We hope that doing so has shown you that you don’t need to suffer unnecessarily with broken tech during lockdown. Check back with us soon for more from the home of highly quality tech repair.

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